Closed Macbook on a white background.
Photo by Jannis Lucas on Unsplash

My recent and long-awaited leap into “Mac land”

I have always been a Windows gal. Until very recently, I just didn’t fuss over Apple like the rest of the world, it seems. I have owned the same iPod for years. It was definitely one of the first generations. Despite the masses going crazy for the next model, I held onto my clunky, old 30Gb video iPod because it still functioned. It did have a tendency to switch itself off regularly, and had trouble turning back on, but sometimes it still played music if it was in a good mood.

It was only a few months ago, when there was absolutely no signs of life even after charging for what felt like an eternity, I invested in another. Shuffle, this time – cheap and cheerful and perfect for the gym, I find.

My phone is Android. I have a Samsung Galaxy S2, which I guess is now considered old and out-of-date too, although I am reluctant to upgrade just yet, as if even after two years I haven’t quite finished with this one. Sure, the battery doesn’t last as long as it used to (a daily charge is now a necessity) and every now and then it freezes as if I’ve asked too much of its ageing processor.

For someone who loves technology, I am rather reluctant to give up my old equipment in favour of new devices with even more pixels and automatic functions. Maybe because my old phone, that I have spent so many hours browsing on, playing games on (damn you, Candy Crush) and maybe the odd minute actually talking on has become so much a part of my life. It’s funny how leaving my phone at home for just a day feels like I’ve left behind a limb. I’ve become quite attached.

So there was an event that caused me to invest in a Macbook. My laptop battery needed replacing, it became too cluttered and hideous and mistreated by me to even know where to start. It was a horrible thing. I can see that now, now that I have my Macbook to console me on it’s sudden death. I had no choice but to let it go.

What really made me decide to go Apple though, apart from peering over jealously at my other half's Macbook every day, and pretending I didn’t want to touch it, was beginning a Digital Media degree. I’ve been waiting to return to university, and now is the right time to invest in some tech capable of me throwing a lot at it and not crumbling under the pressure. My Macbook Pro is perfect for my use, and what’s more, it’s so pretty I want to die. Using it feels nice. For someone committing to spending a huge amount of time in front of a screen, it might as well be a lovely screen that you enjoy looking at.

Edit: it's strange looking back at posts like these. Here in 2021, the technology sounds so ancient. Although my Macbook Pro is still going strong (after a recent hard drive replacement), the phones have come on a long way. Photos taken on phones from even 5 years ago look so blurry and pixelated. This is one of the things I love about having a blog - a great record of life changing over the years!

A little digital blog, by a little analog person

© 2021 Ashley Chin