Brown cardboard box with closed lid, on a white background.
Photo by Christopher Bill on Unsplash

Web Dev: Probing Part 2

The following shows some items from my cultural probe, that I created based on the ideas I came up with listed in my last post. I decided to include my FitBit that I had purchased previously, simply because it can collect information that would be very difficult for the person completely the probe to collect themselves. Data such as step count, distance travelled and minutes of activity are collected just by wearing this device, and I’ve included short and simple instructions in the kit.

The rest of the probe focuses on inspiration/motivation for running and the runners feelings associated with running. These particular things are very difficult to find out from surveys alone, and give the cultural probe technique a specific benefit.

When I have collected some data from this, it should aid my user research, and allow me to create a website which is more relevant to current BOSH users and potential members.

A little digital blog, by a little analog person

© 2021 Ashley Chin