Apple keyboard, mouse and various notepaper on a yellow desk.
Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Web Dev: Clickable Wireframe

I used my wireframes, created using Balsamiq, to make a clickable prototype on InVision. I showed this to some testers, who found the navigation simple and easy to use, but had some suggestions regarding the page headings.

It was highlighted to me that it could be beneficial to the user if the links were more specific to the end goals. As a runner, it could be confusing if they are trying to find a buddy to run with. Would they click on Events? Would they click on Members?

I need to refine the navigation to help people who know what they are trying to find.

I decided to go back to my research, and have a look again at what users really want. I also need to make sure some of the functions of the site are less hidden. For example, on the prototype above, it doesn’t show that you can find a running buddy if you sign up/in as a member. The semantics clearly need to be improved.

I want the find a running buddy section to be more prominent on the main navigation.

I redesigned the menu to look like this:

It has a lot more running-specific terms to reflect the feedback I received and elements of my research. I created this menu by looking back on my user journeys and realised that if the user didn’t search/land on the page they wanted straight away, they would have to use the navigation instead. My user wanted to find a particular topic in the forum, “running tips”, so as well as having a Forum link under the Members tab, I also added it as a specific category in the Blog.

The difference between the blog and the forum is: the blog contains blog posts and articles written by specific, pre-approved members. The forum, however, allows any BOSH registered member to post or reply to a thread. Having both the filtered (blog) section and the unfiltered (forum) on the same site, means that they can be linked to and discussed easily.

I then added to the navigation diagram, to show extra pages/functions that I would also need to design. These can be seen below, added in black.

The website I’ve designed has a huge emphasis on community, on the BOSH running membership, and on members using each other for motivation. One thing I got from looking at BOSH posts on Facebook, and that I didn’t get from other running clubs, was their sense of camaraderie. I want to add special features that show events that other BOSH members will be attending, because my research showed that this is a big bonus for BOSH.

A little digital blog, by a little analog person

© 2021 Ashley Chin