Lots of multicoloured sweets in glass jars on a shelf.
Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash

Portfolio Project: Selling Yourself

As part of creating my interactive CV, I’ve been looking at what other designers and web developers are doing to promote their skills. The best ones I’ve seen include an element of fun and interactivity with them, that make them interesting.

Here are a few of my favourites:

Robby Leonardi’s CV game

It’s interesting to see what people are doing to attract attention. Interactivity is a great idea, novelty is okay as long as it is done well, and obviously depends on the work you’re trying to get.

I’m going to aim for a more professional tone with my interactive CV, but on-trend and playful too – the same way I’ve had a bit of fun with my rollover image in the sidebar. I always mention Adham Dannaway’s portfolio website, (and obviously other people love it too when you see how many replicas there are) but I like the playful/professional combination. It just works.

A little digital blog, by a little analog person

© 2021 Ashley Chin