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Free coding resources for complete beginners

I was inspired by somebody close to me to put together a selection of materials that could help anyone looking to teach themselves to code - from absolute beginner level.

Taking the first step on a journey is always the hardest, but I know that learning is one of the most rewarding things you can do. This year has been tough. 2020 has thrown some real challenges to pretty much everybody.

Making an opportunity out of a molehill

Your molehill might well be more mountain than molehill, but regardless of your situation, if you only have 5 minutes a day, here's a list of FREE resources I've compiled here to start you on your tech journey.

I advise starting with HTML, as it is surely the foundations of frontend development. Then you can add a little CSS knowledge (the paint on walls, in this analogy). After that, move on to JavaScript... we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Here's a selection of HTML for complete beginners:

And if you're after something a little more interesting, here are some courses to push your skills further:

I'll add to these as I come across more so check back soon for an update. Or do let me know if you find any useful resources I can include in my list.

Happy coding!

A little digital blog, by a little analog person

Β© 2021 Ashley Chin